Help Us Help Others

Your generous support makes all things possible! Like missionaries, we are sent out by those who support us prayerfully and financially. People like you who believe in the call of God on our lives and gifts, and have witnessed firsthand the power of God at work in us and through us.

We are committed to going out, into all the world. Into any mission field, from prison yards to backyards, believing wholeheartedly that no one is beyond hope’s reach, and that authentic, lasting change is possible.

Please prayerfully consider partnering with us, sending us out, and extending our reach. Rose’s legacy still bears fruit and music still matters. Thank you and God bless you!


* Richard Andrew Ministries is a registered 501(c)3 nonprofit organization. Donations qualify for a tax deduction. See your tax professional for details.


Amazon “smiles” on our kids!

Our friends at Amazon have partnered with Richard Andrew Ministries to facilitate a convenient way for donors to support our LOVE SONG GLOBAL campaign and put music into the hands of children. Just click the “Shop Now” button below and shop our custom list. Amazon will take care of the shipping and provide you with a year-end giving statement for your taxes. You can also select RAM from the list of charities at AmazonSmile and Amazon will make a donation based on your everyday shopping.


Lights! Camera! Amazon?

Like so many of you around the world, Richard Andrew Ministries has been dramatically impacted by COVID-19. The global pandemic hit our LIVE events calendar hard, and forced us to rethink how we reach people. The result has been a monumental effort to repurpose Richard’s home office and garage into a video/recording studio to facilitate recorded and streaming media. Our friends at Amazon are helping us engage our supporters and enhance the quality of our production. Click the button below to see how you can help us create quality content.

Follow our journey.